Consumer Demand for Memory Cards for Electronic Devices
Do you have a memory card that you used a few years ago, that cannot save anything in today’s devices? Your obsolete card does not have enough space to save the information that is created by these devices. This is what happens with electronic devices today. The devices are using higher amounts of memory and the card you had two years ago are quickly becoming obsolete as they are unable to keep up with today’s memory demand.
The average size of a memory card was 256-512MB two years ago. The average size of memory today is around 1 & 2 GB. Most cell phones use the popular microSD format of memory.Many phones use various sizes of microSD memory. Most people who save movies and music on their phones will opt for the 2GB Micro SD. This card gives the phone the ability to save a lot of video, pictures and music. The 4GB Micro SD memory card will be released in 2007, replacing the 2GB as the card of choice for large storage.
Modern devices has created the demand we see today for memory. Years ago many cell phones did not possess the ability to record video. If they could record video the quality was not the best and the memory of the day could handle it. Today almost every cell phone can record video and the quality is getting better and better each day. Cards such as the 3GB ensure that we are getting the devices are working as efficiently as they should. Cell phones are not the only devices that use this amount of memory. You have video cameras, cameras and mp3 players all using more and more memory.
As it stands now the standard for memory size doubles every year. In the next two years the 3GB MicroSD MicroSD Memory Card memory cards that we use now will be considered obsolete. The memory capacities such as a 4GB MicroSD will be the lower end of standard card. This is inevitable as electronic devices will be demanding more memory if they are to work optimally. Video cameras, phones, cameras and music devices will all upgrade and this will result in an increase in memory usage.
As technology advances there will always be a push to make the objects compatible. Memory consumption is a fact of life as devices demand more to offer video, music and data at a much better level. This is due to the ever increasing efficiency that devices are made.Devices have become more efficient. This is great news for us as consumers as we are able to get better products as devices advance. The only drawback is the fact that cards we have had for a few years quickly become obsolete. This can quickly be fixed if we change our mindset to enable us to know a purchase of new memory ever so often will ensure that our devices work as efficiently as possible.
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